What is Tongue and lip Ties

Tongue Tie (restriction) or Ankyloglossia is present at birth and usually goes undetected. It is the connective tissue attaching from the floor of the mouth to the tongue which can lead to tongue restrictions. The connective tissue is called “Frenulum”. The image below shows a Lingual frenum. This type of frenum is located between the floor of your mouth and the base of your tongue. It comes in different sizes and sometimes it can limit the movement of your tongue. This means frenum is tight, and we call this condition: tongue-tie.

Lip ties is where the connective tissue attaches to the gum (gingiva) and the lip, these affects oral and facial development and has a range of health consequences. This type of frenum is is called “Labial frenum” and is placed in the front of your mouth between the upper lip and gum. His counterpart is positioned between the lower gum and the lower lip. If there is an issue with this type of frenum, it can change the way your teeth grow in and can influence your dental health.

Effects on teeth

The tongue is a natural expander for the roof of the mouth or palate, if the tongue can’t reach the palate, it results in a narrow or “V shaped” palate, instead of a wide “U shaped”. This contributes to crowding of the teeth and breathing issues.

Signs there might be a Tongue and Lip Tie

Infants: Difficulty bottle or breast feeding, colic, reflux, pain when nursing, difficulty introducing solids and ear infections.
Lip Ties: clicking noises whilst nursing, fatigue or failing asleep whilst nursing, slow weigh gain and blocked milk ducts- mastitis.

Children: Delayed development of speech, clenching and grinding, jaw pain, headaches, gagging or chocking on foods, messy or noisy eating, ear infections and gag reflex.

Adults: Speech issues, jaw pain, clenching & grinding, head/neck/shoulder tension, chronic headaches/migraines, OSA (Obstruct Sleep Apnoea), snoring, narrow jaws, orthodontic relapse (teeth move after orthodontic treatment), dental health issues such as decay and periodontal disease.


Lingual Frenectomy (tongue tie) or Labial frenectomy (lip tie) the ties are cut to give greater range of motion.
Pre Frenectomy OMT is required to start to build strength and toning, it helps reduce bleeding, discomfort, assists you or your child during the procedure and helps with the healing process.

Frenectomy is a small procedure where the restricted tissue of the tongue or lip is cut.

Post Frenectomy continuation of exercises to further strengthen and tone the tongue and get it moving and to sit in the palate the way it should.

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