What is TMJ?

TMJ is an acronym that stands for temporomandibular joint. Your temporomandibular joints are located on both sides of your face, just in front of your ears. The TMJs connect your lower jawbone to your skull and assist in movements like chewing and speaking.


Ears- ear pain, vertigo, dizziness, ringing
Jaw- clicking, popping, grating
Neck- neck pain, sore, tired muscles
Headaches- forehead, temporalis, migraine
Mouth- limited opening, deviation, locks shut or open, clenching, grinding

The correct position of the tongue should sit to the roof of the mouth as this stabilizes the jaw and other muscles, if it doesn’t can lead to TMJ dysfunctions as other muscles are used and become over worked and fatigued, causing TMJ pain and headaches, difficulty eating and opening the mouth.

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